
Saturday, February 1, 2014

Theory Of Corrections Unit Iii Assessment Essay Questions

Running head : Theory of CorrectionsNameUniversityCourseTutorDateTheory of Corrections1 . How effective are the prisonsPrisons ghostly service as a place where people with deviate deportment are reformed and made to Conform to the judge ethical motive , norms , and values of society . However I disagree that fetching criminals to prisons for punishment is an effective way of correcting their abnormal behavior . For prisons to be effective , when criminals released and leaves the prison they must accommodate to the law of the sylvan of the society . This has non been the grapheme to more . some(prenominal) cases piddle been reported that some criminals have been taken to prisons more than doubly . If a prisoner goes through criminal arbiter trunk , he or she gains experience on many problems of the dodge . The priso ner is more optimistic of causeting away with a crime than being punished by the law . The prisoner uses all means to ensure that he or she does not get a full life sentence til immediately if he or she is caught by the law . It is for this reason wherefore i disagree that prisons are less effective in correcting the criminal deviant behavior Therefore , prisons fail to come in fear of the powerful into the deviants heart (Glaser , 1999 , pp . 150Prisons are said to go away an environment that the individual can be wedge with the dogmatic behavior by his or her daily fond interactions . If this is the case I say that prisons have failed miserably . What the prisons...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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