
Saturday, February 1, 2014

Market Background

Market cleavage is the process of dividing a mart into impartial groups of buyers who fill distinct needfully , characteristics or way and who major(ip) power require damp intersection or tradeing mixes (Kotler 2004 . undeveloped the decision to fragment the trade is the recognition that a individual(a) commercialize is not composed of people with homogenous needs lieus amd behavior and therefore requires a different securities industrying outline for from each one group of people . This process helps marters in identifying opportunities for a saucy crop or product mix by identifying special needs of a group of consumer commercialiseer (Kinsey 2005Market particleation stick out be done in many ship send wordal . A company with a customer prat everywhere a large geographic area can classify its market int o various geographic areas . It can also segment the market on the basis of demographic factors such as gender , age , family size or family life speech turn stage , profession , education , ethnical background etc . separate techniques include psychographic partition is anformer(a) type of division that is base on social class , lifestyle or spirit characteristics and behavioral segmentation that is based on the consumer knowledge mental attitude , ingestion or response to a product (Kotler 2004 . other than the geographic segmentation both the other segmentation techniques requires a lot of consumer research with a demographic research on a lesser extentWhatever segmentation techniques are used the market segments identified must be measurable in outrage of size , purchasing power etc , accessible finished go away marketing , substantial , differentiable so that they should deserve the enthronization in a separate marketing schema and foul that is creatin g a marketing strategy for it should be prac! tically possible for the company (Kotler , 2004The task at hand is to segment the imbibing market , decide on the target market and why design the more or less effective product mix for that segment The deglutition under consideration has an subdivision that is perceived to welcome health advantages . Thus , the drunkenness can be positioned to be a whole or so addition to a healthy fast . The fact that their competitors have limited themselves to athletic males has left most of the market overt for new productThe company can market the product to a much larger psychographic segment which is of health conscious consumers . On a secondary level some demographic segmentation can be done where students and raw professionals are targeted through relevant marketing strategies that promote the take up as a source of nutrients needed for mental and bodily developing necessary to cope with a demanding environmentAlso a market strategy can be designed such that it encourages product use n the morning with breakfast . This type of strategy comes in the occasion segmentation as part of the behavior segmentation . With a powerful promotion program the beverage can become a necessary morning drink for all health conscious peopleAs the product is macrocosm promoted as a health drink it should contain appropriate nuitrants and vitamins and result extracts whose enlarge should be given on the package . As it is being promoted as a morning drink it should be crystallise and should...If you want to get a full essay, place it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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