Friday, May 31, 2019
A Worn Path Essay -- essays research papers
In the modern short story, Eudora Welty all the way develops capital of Arizona Jackson as a main character who indirectly manipulates other people. Phoenix, as the speaker in A Worn Path holds the status of an old Negro woman who continues the habitual cycle of life. Although, in reality Phoenix is an average human being, who feels she must be rewarded for living. Phoenix believes that humanity owes her something for the troubles she encounters throughout her lifetime. When Phoenix says to the hunter, thats as off the beaten track(predicate) as I walk when I come out myself, and I get something for my trouble (paragraph 46). Incidentally, Phoenix replies to the old hunters question it is instead clear that she undoubtedly is expecting compensation whether it is a pity party or a monetary gift to settle the score. Because Phoenix feels like she must nuisance other people, she appears to have the power to be in control of any situation that might come her way. Throughout Weltys A Worn Path, Phoenix Jackson and her actions symbolize her to be a selfish and manipulative woman.Phoenixs obsession with power, is the basis of her idea to manipulate other people which is clearly explained through her dialogue with the persons she comes in contact with on her journey into town. Along with Phoenixs obsession with being pitied upon by the hunter, she also feels like she never plans to succumb to defeat. When Phoenix replies to the old mans question concerning why she was laying in the bushes she said, Lying on my ...
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Selbstüberschreitung: Jonas Cohns Wertphilosophie und Pädagogik vor dem Hintergrund der Ethik Friedrich Nietzsches :: German Essays
Selbstberschreitung Jonas Cohns Wertphilosophie und Pdagogik vor dem Hintergrund der Ethik Friedrich NietzschesABSTRACT Teaching philosophy and pedagogy at the University of Freiburg from 1897 to 1933, Jonas Cohn fought mainly against Friedrich Nietzsche and the influence of the ethics of Nietzsche on the youth of his time. A declaration made by Cohn in the Preface of his Science of Value (1932) shows this The title science of value essence polemics, too I fight against all, who following Nietzsche deny the possibility of a science of value. But this opposition to Nietzsche and to his followers is not the only aspect of Cohns carnal knowledge to Nietzsche. On the other side, Cohn attempted to integrate some of the important traits of Nietzsches ethic in his own conception of philosophy and pedagogics. The expression self-transcendence (Selbstberschreitung) stands for this ambition of Cohn. This can be demonstrated by some biographical data and by the interpretation of Cohns philos ophy of value. Wertwissenschaft ist auch polemisch gemeint Ich kmpfe gegen alle, die im Gefolge Nietzsches eine Wissenschaft vom Werte leugnen. - Diese eindeutige Erklrung stellte der reife Jonas Cohn, Philosoph und Erziehungswissenschaftler an der Universitt Freiburg von 1897 bis 1933, seiner Wertwissenschaft von 1932, seinem Hauptwerke, im Vorwort voran. Hat Jonas Cohn seine Lebensarbeit gegen Friedrich Nietzsche und dessen Wirkung ausgerichtet? Ich mchte diese, von Cohn selbst nahegelegte, Auffassung relativieren und aufweisen, da Cohns Wertphilosophie und Erziehungslehre trotz weitreichender Differenzen Zge Nietzschischen Geistes aufgenommen hat. Der Titel und Grundbegriff der Cohnschen Ethik Selbstberschreitung signalisiert nicht nur Parallelitt und Nhe zu Nietzsche Selbstberschreitung zeigt auch an, da Cohn Intentionen Nietzsches, Momente des fr Nietzsche signifikanten Begriffs der Selbstberwindung in seine objektive Wertlehre bergefhrt hat. Ich werde zunchst anhand einiger bi ographischer Daten die Bedeutung Nietzsches fr Cohn wahrscheinlich machen, bevor der Inhalt der Wertphilosophie und Ethik Cohns selbst kurz zur Sprache kommen soll.Drei Momente sind auszufhren, die Cohn in seiner Biographie mit Nietzsche konfrontierten Zeitliche und rtliche Nhe zu Nietzsche und die persnliche Begegnung mit Denkern, die Cohn beeinfluten.Jonas Cohn (1869-1947) studierte nach einem glnzenden Abitur in Berlin (1888) zunchst in Leipzig, Heidelberg und Berlin Naturwissenschaft und promovierte mit einer experimentellen Arbeit in Botanik in Berlin 1892 zum Doktor der Philosophie. Nach der Promotion in Botanik wandte sich Cohn dem engeren Gebieten der Philosophie zu, ohne dabei zu unterlassen, seinem geistigen Leben durch empirische Einzelarbeit gleichsam einen festen Unterbau zu schaffen. (SD, (1) S. 6) Diesen empirischen Unterbau erwarb sich Cohn in der experimentellen Psychologie bei Wilhelm Wundt (1832-1920) und Oswald Klpe (1862-1915) in Leipzig, wo Cohn in den Jahren 1 892 bis 94 am Psychologischen Institut arbeitete.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
College Admissions Essay: The Experience that Changed My Life :: College Admissions Essays
The Experience that Changed My Life I volunteered with Outreach Kenya Development Volunteers for three months in Bungoma, Kenya. As a team of six volunteers, we lived with a traditional Kenya family and sh ared in their daily experiences. Our primary focus this summer was help education. We reached over 7,000 Kenyans about the potential dangers of human immunodeficiency virus/AIDS. We used a secondhand vehicle bought by OKDV during the summer of 2000 and an old TV and generator to educate Kenyans. We traveled throughout rural western Kenya and reached flock of all age assorts and backgrounds. One day, we would teach a group of two hundred high school students whereas on another day, we educated a womens group of ten members. As well, using funds collected from private donors throughout the academic year, we built the first public library in Western Province, Kenya as well as a preschool in Kabula village (the village we lived in this summer). OKDV also worked with several womens g roups to set them up with capital so that they could start up their own sewing shops and schools. By providing them with initial capital, they were left to their own creative and business skills to make efficient use of resources. I dont think there are enough words to describe the amazing experience I had this summer. I believe my whole perspective on life has changed for the better. After living in a developing country for three months, I have realized just how most of the world lives. It was as though I got a authoritative glimpse of the human condition. There are so many poignant images that appear in my mind when I think of Africa street children begging for money, AIDS patients wasting away in the darkness of a tiny room, stacked skulls at genocide sites in Rwanda and many more. But what gives me hope and keeps my spirits sanguine are the positive images people welcoming me into their homes, laughing and playing with children who dont even speak the same language as I do a nd many more. even so though Africa is a continent of contrasts, my summer experience helped me shatter my own stereotypes of the land and offered me an honest glimpse into the lives of ordinary Africans. Not only did I withdraw a glimpse at their lives but also got to make a difference in their lives.
Essay --
Throughout poetry, drama, and fiction, there exist themes and symbols that give readers a dose of reality and human experience. People read literature and end up skill new facts about themselves that they never knew before. This usually happens when the reader is reading literature that they can relate to. An example of this is coming of age stories. When adolescents read these stories, they realize that they distribute the feelings of the characters and have even had similar experiences. In these stories, the main character is trying to figure out who they ar in the eyes of other people. But what they do non know is that they must discover their own identity before other people decide who they ar. Two stories that make use of this theme argon Araby by James Joyce and A & P by John Updike. Both of these stories feature characters that are coming to terms with their fantasies and realities, and this relates to readers because it deals with the idea of people wanting what they ca nnot have. In A & P, the narrator, Sammy, observes three young girls, dressed only in bathing suits, who enter the supermarket in which he works. Sammy notices these girls immediately and takes note of every detail of their being. He especially pays attention to the leader of the girls, whom he calls Queenie (Updike 33). Queenie and her friends enter the supermarket believing they are decent (Updike 35). Every customer in the store watches them, and they enjoy the attention they are receiving. The act of entering the store in only bathing suits shows that the girls are two confident and innocent. They do not know that they are dressed inappropriately, and they are clearly comfortable enough with themselves to walk in wearing bikinis. ... ... Queenie was innocent of the fact that she was dressed inappropriately. She entered the store in a bikini because she was confident of herself, not because she was rebelling against the rules of the store. Sammys thoughts of Queenie were merely an illusion. The narrator from Araby is different. He does not have a specific vision for his life, but rather a desire for change. His life in Dublin lacks in excitement, and compensates for this by obsessing over Mangans sister. He desires fulfillment and satisfaction from change even though he is uncertain of what change volition bring. He thinks change will bring adventure and exhilaration, but he learns at the bazaar that it is nothing more than accents and vases. Both of these stories can relate to readers because they both deal with the idea of wanting what we cannot have. Fantasy is very different from reality.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Judaism Essay -- Religion, Jews, Christians
I learned a lot of facts about Judaism that I had previously been ignorant to. I had no idea that we (Christians & Jews) maintained the same book of account (The Old Testament) but that we interpreted certain events differently, such as Adam and Eve. In Judaism, each and every human being is free to choose intelligent or evil because each person stands before God in the same relationship that Adam and Eve did (Esposito 77). I was unaware that Judaism did not intrust in original sin. I had no knowledge of the fact that Jews did not believe that Christ was resurrected from the dead. I found it interesting how Jews have split into let on groups Reform Jews, who believe that Judaism is a cultural inheritance and that neither the laws nor opinions are necessary. The Conservative Jews, who believe in strict obedience to most laws, but that belief in God is not the point. The Orthodox Jews, who believe in the literal reading of the Torah and strict obedience to the laws. Finally there are the ultra-Orthodox Jews, a positive group, that have attempted to separate from the non-Jewish and secular worlds because they refuse any type of compromise with modernity. In the eyes of the ultra-Orthodox, their secular, Reform, and Conservative brethren are not really Jews, and Orthodox Jews are not orthodox enough (Esposito 80). I found it amazing how the world was trying to get rid of the Jews but in doing so they helped them to sound by keeping them together. Jews were forced to live in segregated quarters called ghettos (Esposito 106). I was also unaware as to the horrific past Jews have suffered. I knew of the Holocaust but I was unaware of the other atrocious historic events that have marred their life such as the Crusades where Jews were forced t... ...vivid reminder of Christianitys early hostility toward Islam (Esposito 256-257). I found it even more distressing that the invoice of Christian deceit did not end their. Muslims remember hearing of emancipation and independence but in all actuality, it was an independence of artificial creations (Esposito 266). No one was really have-to doe with with their independence as much as they were concerned with controlling their oil. Muslims also are unable to forget the 1967 Arab-Israeli war, now often called the Six-Day War where The Arabs experienced a massive loss of territory (Esposito 267).It is amazing to me the history of these three religions and how completely uneducated most people are to all three of the religions. How can we be expected to be tolerant of one another(prenominal) and our differences if we do not fully understand and appreciate the history of each other?
Judaism Essay -- Religion, Jews, Christians
I learned a lot of facts about Judaism that I had previously been ignorant to. I had no idea that we (Christians & Jews) maintained the same bible (The Old Testament) but that we interpreted certain events differently, such as cristal and Eve. In Judaism, individually and every human being is free to choose good or evil because each person stands before God in the same relationship that Adam and Eve did (Esposito 77). I was unaw atomic number 18 that Judaism did not believe in original sin. I had no knowledge of the fact that Jews did not believe that Christ was resurrected from the dead. I found it interesting how Jews have split into separate groups Reform Jews, who believe that Judaism is a cultural inheritance and that neither the laws nor beliefs are necessary. The Conservative Jews, who believe in strict obedience to most laws, but that belief in God is not the point. The Orthodox Jews, who believe in the material reading of the Torah and strict obedience to the laws. Fin bo thy there are the ultra-Orthodox Jews, a radical group, that have attempted to separate from the non-Jewish and secular worlds because they refuse any grammatical case of compromise with modernity. In the eyes of the ultra-Orthodox, their secular, Reform, and Conservative brethren are not really Jews, and Orthodox Jews are not orthodox enough (Esposito 80). I found it nasty how the world was trying to get rid of the Jews but in doing so they helped them to survive by keeping them together. Jews were forced to live in segregated quarters called ghettos (Esposito 106). I was also unaware as to the horrific past Jews have suffered. I knew of the Holocaust but I was unaware of the other atrocious past events that have marred their life such as the Crusades where Jews were forced t... ...vivid reminder of Christianitys early hostility toward Islam (Esposito 256-257). I found it even more inconvenience that the history of Christian deceit did not end their. Muslims remember hearing of freedom and independence but in all actuality, it was an independence of artificial creations (Esposito 266). No one was really concerned with their independence as much as they were concerned with controlling their oil. Muslims also are unable to forget the 1967 Arab-Israeli war, now oftentimes called the Six-Day War where The Arabs experienced a massive loss of territory (Esposito 267).It is amazing to me the history of these three religions and how completely uneducated most people are to all three of the religions. How can we be expected to be tolerant of one another and our differences if we do not fully understand and appreciate the history of each other?
Monday, May 27, 2019
Uneasy Homecoming Assignment
Murray Leinster (June 16, 1896 June 8, 1975) was a pen name of William Fitzgerald Jenkins His father was an accountant. Although both p bents were born in Virginia, the family lived in Manhattan. He began his career as a freelance writer, an award-winning Ameri tin writer, of science fiction and alternate hi spirit level. He wrote and published over 1,500 curtly stories and articles, 14 pic scripts, and hundreds of radio scripts and television plays.In World War I, Leinster served with the United States Army (19171918). In 1921, he married Mary Mandola. neural homecoming is a hand, which genuinely would move ment most individuals, and is a very hooking short fiction novel to grasp hold of, as I am not one for that extra genre of book, however once I got into it I honestly couldnt stop packing it. This is why its unquestionably one of my favourite books Ive read for a wide timeIn this evaluation I int determination to focus on Uneasy Homecoming and to analyze Jenkins, influen ce and effectiveness of techniques he uses throughout the invention, to understand how he maintains the level of anticipation and suspense achieved which is very nerve racking. A short summary of Uneasy Homecoming by the reference Will Jenkins, This score is focused on Connie who has arrived at her part of town, where her friends lived, after a two-week holiday. Upon reaching her provide, which was the only when one on the other side of meat of the bay, her close neighbours houses were built across the bay.Once she was inside her home, she knew that her partner ( tom), would be reaching home around midnight (But Connie felt unsettled and nervous without him). Connie went outside into the garden and failed to see some(a)one or something move by the garage, furthermore, in that location was a motorbike leaning against the garage w wholly while walking back towards the house Connie once again failed to notice the pantry window which was wide open, she quickly turned on all to ld the lights to reassure herself, she phoned Mrs.Winston her older lady friend for some comfort talk however this soon disappeared when Mrs Winston stated I do hope your house is alright, its been dreadful here Didnt you hear? As several(prenominal) other houses had been burgled including Mr Saddlers shop was robbed and Mr Field the cashier was almost beaten to death, Mrs Winston offered for her to stay around until Tom was home however that meant for creepy Charles coming to pick her up and she definitely didnt want that so she declined the offer, of underpin.She started for the stairs in the pertinacious once shed reached the top she switched that light on as well, she went into her room and sight that someone had been in there and smoked cigarettes and casually dropped the buts on the rug, moreover the bedspread was ruffled as if someone had been lying down on it. Connie questioned herself as to what could possibly be under her bed as she peered under the bed she found a bul ging bag FULL OF STOLEN LOOT She dragged it out and emptied its table of contents onto the floor and instantaneously recognised some of the items.She went to the bedroom door her house had been used as a hiding place for the burglaries had been taking place whilst her and Tom had been away. Mr. Field must have recognized the burglar. Theyd know that she would be at home found the loot and phone the police? The pantry was dark as she was whimpering afraid to enter, but she soon realised the pantry window was broken for forced entry. There was a outfox and her heart suddenly stop beating. The refrigerator cut off. It was a coincidence of course. She felt along the walls to get to the phone though she couldnt see the dial.He was in the house and he knew he had to kill her. She saw the back door where he forgot to shut it properly the key to the door was missing. As she fled moveing on the grass careful not tread on the gravel, as this will make sounds and alert the intruder, he stil l hadnt guessed that she was outside. Connie saw the motorcycle and got the gasoline out found a book of matches in her pocket and struck it and ran away, because this would be seen across the bay and alert people that Connies house was on fire, she saw the figure trying to occupy out but itdidnt work. He couldve murdered her, Connie, yet Mrs Winston was the mother of him. The protagonist in this fictional novel is Connie as the whole boloney is stringently based somewhat her feelings and whats happening around her. The fabrication is set in a village (she lives near close friends) and she lives across the bay from all of the other houses and is quite isolated from the community a perfect setting for a fiction horror novel especially because classic horrors happen in supernatural places like these.In addition to that Jenkins expertly interweaves this theme of young-bearing(prenominal) vulnerability and crime with being on her own, lonesome without a man/husband (Tom) to suppo rt her through the evening in a creepy mansion with no other neighbours around, this creates the impression of a tense atmosphere because Connie is alone, far from any other houses, which mode that there was not anybody close to her if she needed any help.I also felt sorry for her at times and think that the focus in the story would be totally different if her husband, Tom, had arrived home first as woman are more vulnerable to darkness and predators than men, to show the referee the defenseless side of Connie, being on your own and experiencing a man trying to murder before she releases information to people of the village of his doings and whereabouts. I think the write purposely makes the protagonist a woman because compared to men women are seen as frail and weak especially in a horror the setting Jenkins has described. Women are weaker calibre than men and would generally feel more fear than a male character if he were to be the protagonist, the male would challen ge the intruder whereas the female is trying to hide herself in the shadows in fear Jenkins really emphasizes this in Connies emotions when in the story it suggests she felt a need to be still to hide herself this is very effective because it shows how much terror she has within her.I also notice that throughout Uneasy Homecoming Connie does not hold back in expressing her fear. Many times in the short story the writer shows expression such as Connie found herself weeping. Consequently this made me think that something was about to happen, therefore, I felt sorry for her at times. An effective technique that W. F. Jenkins uses is in the short story he allows the reader to know more than the main character and that she might be in danger. For example, she had looked straight at the back door without seeing what there was to be seen.This kind of phrase gives me a feeling to enliven Connie to safety. The theme of crime really pushes all boundaries when it comes to crime/horror nove ls and to be fair he situation gets even worse for Connie because not only is she lone(prenominal) yet shes got the fright of a unexpected man using her house daily while she was away, now she has to face him which makes the atmosphere more jumpy and the reader is anticipating and predicting what could happen next and are on the leap of their seat. Jenkins cleverly stresses this.Jenkins word choice is vital for this particular genre of short story because every construction is described in detail, which is essential because he describes with powerful words in short denounces like She recognized him or things like this as well Connie noticed nothing these are short effective sentences, because, essentially in short stories you cant drag on for long sentences as you have a short story to write not a long one therefore you word choice has to be chosen very carefully and accurately to ingest the reader attention.I have chosen 5 quotations from the book The red dying sun, cast long shadows across the road (P1), the time of day is very definitive in uneasy homecoming the writer deliberately sets the short story at night with a red dying sun a indicate of danger in the air and the perfect setting for a horror books or movies. In the story he wrote The red dying sun, cast long shadows across the road this is important because it put a picture in my mind of an evening with a fading sun and unusual shaped shadows, that bet to move, creating a tense and unsettled atmosphere.She recognized him (P8) another positive point about this key quotation is the sentence structure and paragraphing, throughout most of the story the sentences are short, slowing down the action, She recognized him this an example of a short sentence and a short paragraph these keep the reader on the edge of their seat, in contrast when the reader does come to a large paragraph it gives a long vivid it gives a long vivid description. In that specialised quote its only three words therefore mak ing it short, punctual and straightforward and tells you directly whats happening and he is really emphasizing this command.In the lighted living room, she had the feeling of someone staring at her, from the dark outside(P4) its like her 6th ace is working hard because she knows her thought is paradoxical and its in her head however, unfortunately she needs a logical explanation, what is more is, her coherent movementing is not there, The lighted living room is quite eerie especially with contrast to The dark outside its the perfect situation to think that there is someone or something staring at her but its an deception as well as because shes alone in a mansion like house with just her inside it in her position I could understand.She hastened urgently to turn out the rest. The dining room. Lights out, the windows were locked. The pantry. It was dark.Whimpering she was afraid to enter(P7), one of the adjectives is hastened, it is so much more effective than any other word Jenkin s couldve used because it means (at no expense/ be quick to do something and then the incident she did it desperately shows us how much she needed to turn all the lights out on the other hand she was feeling very susceptible and open to anything that could potentially happen, as we read further on in that quote each sentence is getting shorter and shorter almost to show the restlessness in how she was switching everything off and Jenkins has cleverly intertwined that in his sentence structure.The men who prey on others(P10) throughout the Uneasy Homecoming the main character played a very important part in creating a tense atmosphere. The main character, Connie, developed a sense of fear about man hunting women. The writer develops this character by writing such things as the unnerving realization that the fears shed had about Them, The men who prey on others. This phrase in particular shows that Connie is a worried, insecure person who frets about becoming a victim of Them. The ca pital letter is there to show the importance Connie gives these people.This person or people are constantly on Connies mind worrying her during the novel. I think the main reason why the author uses words like ridiculous, silly, absurd and nonsense when Connie is scared is mainly because Jenkins wants you to think that it is nonsense to dismiss the idea out of your head and Connies too. Jenkins in his book uses many figures of speech and I think that this is a good thing and to be fair I observed right from the starting line of the story. More importantly this makes it interesting for the reader some of them are interesting others arent, here are two, which really grabbed my attention.Her knees were water supply (P5) this got me because it s not literately saying her knees were water its an expression almost to say she was so scared her knees were shivering, a really powerful figure of speech which got me on the edge of my seat. There was a thump (P5) this is an example of a reall y great and influential figure of speech because it uses onomatopoeia in it a thump gets me scared because Im wondering why she heard that when and where Which interests me a lot. In his short fiction horror novel Will F Jenkins uses a lot of diverse literary techniques.Another technique the writer uses is noises in the story or lack of them. Continuously throughout the story one particular noise is mentioned, the hum of the refrigerator. This noise creates a tense atmosphere because it is the only sound Connie can hear if this is then interrupted something or someone must be in the house. The author helps to create a sense of realism within the book because he knew what the readers wanted and genuinely didnt go over the top. My favourite part of the novel has to be the hunt. The hunt is the part of the story where the burglar patrolling the house looking for Connie.Connie just narrowly escapes. During the hunt Connie is terrified, many points are made about her fear such as She fel t that she would consist down at any instant and scream. It is remarks such as these that created a tense atmosphere throughout the hunt. My favourite sentence must be Connie bent and peered under the bed simply because its a silly idea yet so influential and significant furthermore its the fact that shes worked herself up into such a state about it when she does know deep down there nothing under there. More importantly I can relate to this, as will many others.A cliffhanger close is a plot device in fiction, which features a main character in a shaky or difficult dilemma, or confronted with a shocking revelation at the end of an episode of serialized fiction. In Uneasy Homecoming the author tries to almost end it on a cliffhanger But Mrs. Winston was the other of one of them it ends on something for your brain to work out I loved the way he put that go bad sentence because I had to think for the answer and I fully enjoyed it, generally I think he ended it like that for importa nce and above all its a much better ending rather than just giving the game away.Having analyzed Jenkins, his novel is wonderful and it is clear that suspense and tension are ever present throughout Uneasy Homecoming, Jenkins carefully chosen themes, word choice and literary techniques all input in helping to maintain the theme of female vulnerability, darkness and being alone which I think are the main three point Jenkins tries to really focus on which keeps the story level headed, the writer does use various techniques to create a tense atmosphere in the story.Although the writer created a very entertaining tense atmosphere, the ending was not nerve wracking enough compared to the other nail biting moments in the story. If the burglar had found Connie, I feel that it would have been a better ending. overall I would give congratulations to W. F. Jenkins for the creation of a suspend-filled story of an uneasy feeling.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Bite Me: A Love Story Chapter 11
11. Being the Chronicles of Abby Normal, Pathetic Failure to All Creatures Great and SmallI have failed as a minion, a girlfriend, and a human being in general, and that doesnt pull down count Biology 102, which I am still totally failing disdain actually going to class twice.The Countess has been gone for analogous a week, and has seen her or the vampyre Flood. Ive gone looking for them, mainly when Im supposed to be at school. I dont even know where to look. I kind of walk around asking people if theyve seen a totally hawt redhead and they either hurry past really fast or, in the case of one guy, who I suspect was a pimp, take awayered me a thousand dollars to bring her to him if I found her. Then he offered me a job, because he said, Johns go for that skinny Lolita shit.And I was all, Oh, thats very flattering, sir. Thank you. Once I find my friend I testament bring her behind and well both be happy to service the disgusting choads of creepy strangers and hand you a ll of our money a unyielding with any self-worth we might have left.And he was all, You do that, teensy momma. You do that.Which is just a nonher reason that I need to find the Countess and beg her forgiveness, because my new phone has video and I cant wait to put a clip on my blog of Jody scattering bloody pimp parts all over the Tenderloin. (The Countess has lectured me ab start respecting myself and how a woman must neer sacrifice her dignity to a man unless he gives her jewelry or is a smoking hottie and has a job, so I think there will at least be broken bones and a beating of many colors.)Evidently theres a ill-consideredage of hookers and homeless people in the City, it was on the Chronicles Web site. They reported it like it was a good thing, VICE ARRESTS DOWN or something, and a nonher article about homeless shelters having plenty of room for the starting time time, ever. OMFG Theyre kitty treats, you douche nozzles Thats why I refused to be on the school paper. Journa lists are oblivious to the obvious and they wont even let you say fuck.Kayso, when I at last got back to the love lair, the windowpanes were all boarded up with plywood and Foo and Jared had like alphabetized all of the rats and had them stacked up and labeled and whatnot. So, I, like, ran into Foos arms and kissed him a good long time, past I looked around and I was allTheyre dead. Our loft is full of dead rats.And Jared is all, Not dead. Undead.So to Foo Im all, Splain, sil vous plat.And Foos like, Its amazing, Abby. You just have to inject them with a humble vampyre blood and it turns them, yet not until you kill them. It took us a dapple to figure that out.So you killed all these rats?I did, goes Jared. It made me sad, only Im okay with it now. Science.How?And Foo says, super C chloride.At the exact same time Jared says, With a hammer.And Jared seduces all big scared anime eyes and is like, Yeah, potassium chloride. Thats what I stifft.And Im all, You have been killing and vamping rats while the Countess and Tommy are lost and the whole city is papered with missing cat flyers, and like Chet and his minions are eating all the homeless and probably the hookers?And they were like, Well-yeah.And I had to work and go to class, says Foo. And polish my car.And Jareds all, And weve been making sunlight jackets for those two cops, which takes like a million little wires. And he, like, points to our coffee table, which is the only surface that doesnt have cages full of dead rats, and theres not even jackets there, just, like, jacket-shaped nets of wire with little glass beads all over them.And Im all, Cops cant wear those. They look like robot lingerie.And Jared is all, Trs cool, non?No I go. And do not further endorken the French language by wrapping your disgusting penis port around it. Youll ruin the whole language before I even learn enough to express my deep despair and dark desires en franais, you rat smasher.Kay, I know that was a little harsh, more over I was angry, and in my defense, I was grinding Foos leg a little when I said dark desires, so I said it with love.Foos all, We didnt have time to actually get jackets. They need to be leather and theyre expensive.So its clear that despite his mad ninja science skills, even my beloved Foo cannot be left without female supervision. But he has been going home lately, and his parents are a bad influence on him.So Im like, I got this. Ill go see Lily.Lily is my backup BFF. She used to be my BFF, unless at the same time I met Lord Flood and the Countess, Lily got a book in the mail at her work, which is Ashers Secondhand, and it convinced her that she is Death, so Im all, Whatever, ho.And she was all, Free to rest my own nightmare, skank.So we were cool.Kayso, I took the 45 bus from the dead-ratted love lair to North Beach. Walking through Chinatown sort of creeps me out cause of all the Chinese grandmothers on the street, who Im pretty sure are talking about me because they think I have ruined Foo with my Gothy-Anglo charms. Also, I get mad dim midpoint cravings for which I should someday seek treatment, or, like, snacks.Kayso, at Ashers, Lily comes out from behind the counter and gives me a hug and a big kiss on my forehead (because she is taller than me in addition to having surplus boobage).And Im like, Theres a big violet lip print on my forehead, huh?And Lily goes, Kiss of Death-get used to it, beyotch-matches your hair tips, trs cute.So Im all, Kay. It wasnt really the kiss of Death, but it did match my tips. Then I was all, Lils, I need mens leather jackets in these sizes. I gave her the note Foo wrote out with the sizes and cut and whatnot.And she was all, WTF, Abs? Fifty long? You buying a jacket for an orca?Ginormous rattling cop. You got it?Yeah. You wanna smoke a clove?And Im all, Do you have enough violet delineate? Because smoking is, like, the worst for your lipstick and it did match my hair.And shes all, Bitch, please. Meaning, Do I ever n ot have enough makeup? Which is true, because Lily carries a PVC ROBOT PIRATES messenger bag you could hide a small kid in, only she carries beauty products.So I was all, Kay.So Lily and I went out the back accession and stared at the Dumpster like it was the very abysm of our despair while we smoked. And Im just getting ready to tell her about the love lair, and Foo, and vampyre kitties and all, because Ive sort of been in boyfriend mode, so, like, out of contact, which Lily totally gets.And Lils like, So, the big gay cop have a Hispanic partner?And Im like, Rivera and Cavuto. Crusty day dwellers, but Rivera kind of has a secret-agent vibe. You know them?And Lily is all, Yeah, they were here yesterday. Rivera wears expensive suits. Smells good, too. Id do him.And Im like gagging. Lils, hes like a thousand years old, and a cop. The Motherbot was getting squishy over him. OMG Youre disgustingShut up, Im not saying Id do him normal. I mean like zombie Apocalypse trapped in the mall r ight before we have to shoot each other to keep them from eating our brains and crook us to the undead-then Id do him.So Im all, Oh sure, then. To make her feel better, because she doesnt have a BF and often oversluts to compensate, but I still thought it was disgusting. But to change the subject, I was all, So what did they want?They were asking all kinds of irrelevant bullshit. Had I seen any strange cats, did I see the Emperor, or some redhead.And Im all, Fucksocks Fucksocks Fucksocks inside. But on the exterior Im all quiver and Im like, So, you like didnt know anything, right?No, Asher said a hot redhead came into the store the other night, and then I was on the course car last night, going down to Maxs Deli for a sammy, and I think I saw her going into the Fairmont Hotel. Like a crazy mantlepiece of long red curls I would slaughter puppies for.Red leather jacket?Sweet red leather jacket.You didnt tell them, did you?And Lils all, Well, yeah.And I was all, You traitorous wh ore And I punched her in the shoulder.In my defense, youre supposed to tell your ex-BFF when you get fresh ink, so the screaming was completely over the top. I had no itinerary of knowing that she had a new tattoo on that shoulder, so her punching me in the boob was totally uncalled for.So, Im ouching trs loud and this Russian lady from upstairs peeks her head out the window and shes all, dull please, is sounding like burning bear out there.Kayso, Lils and I start to laugh and say, Like bear, over and over again until the Russian lady slams the window shut, like bear.Then it comes back to me and Im all, Lils, I have to get those jackets and get to the Fairmont. I have to save the Countess.And Lily is like, Kay, not even asking details, which is why I love her-she is so nihilist its, like, not funny.Kayso, I take the jackets and catch a cab to the Fairmont, which totally pisses off the cabbie because its only like six blocks, but when I get to the hotel Im all, Fucksocks because Im too late.JODY Falling asleep was one of the things Jody missed about being human. She missed the satisfied, tired feeling of falling into bed and be adrift off in a dreamy twilight sea of dreams. In fact, since shed turned, unless shed just gone too long without feeding, she never even felt tired. On most mornings, unless she and Tommy had been making love, and they went out in each others arms, she just found a relatively comfortable position and waited for the sun to rise and put her out. mayhap a flutter of an eyelid, lasting a second, then off like a light.The closest thing to a dream state shed experienced as a vampire was when shed gone to mist inside the bronze statue, and even then, the door into dreamland slammed shut at dawn. The constant alertness of being a vampire was, well, it was a bit irritating. Especially since shed been searching the City for Tommy for a week, pushing her jumped-up senses to their limits, and had to return to the hotel every morning with nothing . Apparently, Tommy had limped down an alley and vanished. Shed checked everyplace in the City that shed ever taken him, every place hed ever been, as far as she knew, and still there was no bear witness of his having been there. Shed hoped she would have some special vampire sixth sense to help her find him, like the old vampire who had turned her seemed to have had, but no.Now, she was returning to her room at the Fairmont for the seventh morning. And for the seventh morning she would put out the Do Not Disturb signs, lock the door, put on her sweats, assimilate a pouch of the blood she kept locked in a mini-cooler, brush her teeth, then crawl chthonic the bed and go over a psychical map of the City until dawn put her out. (Since she was technically dead at dawn, sleeping on top of a comfortable mattress was a dangerous luxury, and by climbing under the bed she put one more layer between her and sunlight, should a nosy maid somehow find a way into her room.)Part of her new pre -dawn ritual had been returning to the hotel a little later each morning like the skydiver who will let himself fall close together(predicate) and closer to earth before pulling the ripcord to boost the adrenaline rush just a little more. The last two mornings shed just been entering the hotel when the alarm arrest she wore, which was set to go off ten minutes before sunrise on any given day, based on an electronic almanac, had started beeping. Shed bought one for Tommy, too, and wondered if he was still wearing his. As she strode down California Street, she tried to remember if hed been wearing it when they cut him out of the bronze shell.Two blocks from the Fairmont her alarm watch went off and she couldnt help but smile a little at the thrill. She picked up her pace, figuring that shed still be safely inside her room with time to bare(a) before sunup, but she might have to forgo the sweats and the blood snack.As she came up the steps into the lobby she smelled cigar, and Arami s cologne, and the combination sent an electric chill of alarm up her spine before she could identify the danger. Cops. Rivera and Cavuto. Rivera smelled of Aramis, Cavuto of cigars. She stopped, her boot heels skidding a little on the marble steps.There they were, both at the front desk, but a bellman was leading them to the elevator. He was taking them to her room.How? she thought. Doesnt matter. It was getting light. She checked her watch three minutes to find shelter. She backed away from the door, out onto the sidewalk, then began to run.Normally she would have paced herself so someone didnt notice the redhead in boots and jeans rivulet faster than an Olympic sprinter, but theyd just have to tell their friends and not be believed. She needed cover, now.She was a block and a half down Mason Street when she came to an alley. Shed survived her first night as a vampire under a Dumpster. Maybe she could survive the day inside one. But there was someone down there, the kitchen crew of a restaurant, outside smoking. On she ran.No alleys in the next two blocks, then a narrow space between buildings. Maybe she could shimmy down there and crawl in a basement window. She crawled on a narrow, plywood gate and had one foot down before a pit bull came storming down the corridor. She leapt out onto the sidewalk and started running again. What kind of psychopath uses a two-foot-wide space between buildings as a dog run? There should be laws.This was Nob Hill, all open, with wide avenue streets, a once-grand neighborhood now made incredibly irritating to a vampire in need of shelter. She rounded the corner at Jackson Street, snapping a heel off her right boot as she did. She should have worn sneakers, she knew, but wearing the high, expensive leather boots made her feel a little like a superhero. It turned out that turning your ankle hurts like hell, even if youre a superhero.She was up on her toes now, running, limping toward Jackson Square, the oldest neighborhood in San Francisco that had survived the great quake and fire of 1906. There were all kinds of little cubbyholes and basement shops in the old brick buildings down there. One building even had the ribs of a travel ship in its basement, a remnant built over when the Gold Rush left so many ships abandoned at the waterfront that the City literally expanded over them.One minute. The shadow of the Transamerica Pyramid was lying long across the neighborhood ahead like the needle of a deadly sundial. Jody did a final kick-sprint, snapping off her other boot heel as she did. She scanned the streets ahead for windows, doors, trying to sense movement inside, looking for stillness, privacy.There On the left, a door below street level, the stair-case hidden by a wrought-iron railing covered in jasmine. Ten more steps and Im there, she thought. She saw herself jumping the rail, shouldering through the door, and fall under the first thing that would shelter her from the light.She took the final thr ee steps and leapt just as the sun broke the horizon. She went limp in the air, fell to the sidewalk, short of the stairwell, and skidded on her shoulder and face. As her eyes fluttered, the last thing she saw were a pair of orange socks right in front of her, then she went out and began to smolder in the sunlight.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Previously conducted
Business surroundingss exhibit a variety of structures and carry throughes, Including flat and horizontal organizational forms, ultrasonically matrix structures, networks of virtual organizations and self- directed work teams. When business organizations react to challenges by embarking on a win over attention path, they ar faced with choices of which one of the carry onment methods, techniques, and systems would be well-nigh effective (Waldron, 2005). Every organization is find within a particular configuration of contingencies.It Is dependent on the market and technological milieu In which it operates its scale and diversity of operations, the technology applied to its work, ND the type of personnel it employs. To achieve congruence, an appropriate design is the one which best suits its contextual and operational contingencies. agree to Mores and Yen (2001 , p. 352), to be internally consistent, organizations must grow tightly independent and mutually supportive parts I n terms of strategies, structures and process. The management of organizations faces a challenge to reinforce the management story system. Tragedies and structures together In order to achieve competitive advantage and enhance performance. Thus, research needs to e carried out to help management break appropriate decisions in order to achieve this congruence. This study examines companies in Malaysias manufacturing industry in responding to the rapid changes in technological and competitive environment In Malaysia as a impression of globalization. Globalization has changed the environment surrounding organizations operating In developing countries with an increase In uncertainty, Intensified Industry competition and advance technology.According to Kansas, Md-Mansard and Doris (2003) globalization brings in current genealogy and makes a developing country open to greater competition. These changes whitethorn affect the choice of management score practice (MAP) in an organizati on and may also result in the need for the firm to reconsider its existing organizational design and strategies in order to fit with the changing environment. This argument Is support by Burns and Escapes (2000) and Shields (1 997), who elicit that changes in environment cause changes in organizations, which in turn cause changes in MAP.Background and Significance of the Study The business environment in a developing country differs from that within a plopped country with regards to market size, access to manufactured Inputs, although some developing economies are quite large, most are not the menu of domestically produced intermediate inputs and capital equipment is often limited a scarcity of technicians and scientists also affects flexibility in the production process and the ability to absorb new technologies infrastructure is relatively limited macroeconomic and relative price volatility is typically more extreme legal systems and criminal offence prevention are also relative ly poor and corruption is often a serious problem. Malaysia is categorized as the developing country, however it has more advanced infrastructure and technology compared to most other developing countries. Malaysian manufacturing industries are also more concentrated than those of most developed countries (Apothecary, 2002). With globalization, the application of technology in Malaysia has increased, especially through foreign investment (Kansas et al. , 2003).Changes in business environment in Malaysia arising from a market- oriented economy and government policies that provide businesses with the opportunity for result and profits, have made Malaysia a highly nominative manufacturing and export base. LITERATURE REVIEW Management Accounting and Its Evolution The basic purpose of accounting cultivation is to help users make decisions. Management accounting is branch of accounting that produces information for managers and forms an important integral part of the strategic process w ithin an organization. It involves the process of identifying, measuring, accumulating, analyzing, preparing, interpreting, and communication information that helps managers fulfill organizational objectives (Hormone, Sunder, Stratton, Burgomaster, & Chatterer, 2007).Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (I-J) views management accounting as an integral part of management which requires the identification, generation, presentation, interpretation and use of information germane(predicate) to Formulating business strategy planning and controlling activities decision- do efficient resource usage performance improvement and value enhancement. Johnson and Kaplan (1987) argued for a relevance lost in management accounting. They pointed the do of inappropriateness of conventional management accounting techniques which offered little capacity for roving useful and timely information for snap off decision and control in the coetaneous environment of rapid technological chang e and vigorous competition. Following Johnson and Kaplan (1987), management accounting techniques had rapidly developed for better decision-making and management control.To promote a better understanding of the changes in management accounting practices, the International Federation of Accountants (AFC) (1998) provides a framework explaining the development of management accounting. This framework explains the evolution in management accounting through four recognizable stages. Management Accounting change Management accounting change is not a uniform phenomenon. Consequently one affirm by management accounting. Researchers. It is evident that both the external factors (environmental) and internal factors (relating to the organization concerned) have influenced the recent development of new management accounting systems and techniques. According to Shields (1997), the potentiality change drivers are competition, technologies, organizational design and strategies.These drivers of c hange also indicate the differing roles which causal factors can have in the process f change. Change in environment also implies uncertainty and risk which create a demand for further management accounting change in the form of non-financial measures (Vivo, 1999). Less charge has been given by researchers to the management accounting change process. Burns and Escapes (2000, p. 4) observed that, little research attention has been given to understanding the processes through which new management accounting systems and practices have emerged (or failed to merge) through time. Change can be addressed in a variety of dimensions.According to The American Heritage Dictionary, 4th Edition, change includes all of the following aspects becoming different or undergo alteration transformation or transition going from one phase to another making an exchange modifying substitution giving and receiving reciprocally replace with another abandon. This definition illustrates different types of chan ge and shows that, in general, it is not a uniform phenomenon. Wisecracking and Alliterate (2007) suggest change in management accounting as a learning methodology to understand how environmental factors shape internal process within organization. According to them, the process of change reflects on the question of how management accounting techniques emerged, evolved and were transformed when new demands from the changing environment are in place. From a management accounting perspectives, different types of change can be researched upon.For example Essay (2003) study change with respect to the integration of Activity Based Costing (BBC) into strategy to manage organizations operating activities. It is suggested that BBC can contribute to improve organizational performance if implemented as part of the overall organizational change strategy. Prefer, McKinney and Harrison (2003), examined changes in term of introduction, giving up and reintroduction of transfer pricing in governmen t trading enterprise as it moved from protected monopolistic status to centralization. Research Method Data sources in that respect are two types of data sources are used to obtain the required information 2. 1. Primary Data Direct interview though a vision questionnaire. That was needed for this assignment. Secondary data Online articles on management accounting Previously conducted research papers on different issues of management accounting magazines, brochures, etc This study has attempt to enhance our understanding of the effect of alignment among management accounting and organizational change, in Malaysian manufacturing companies, on performance. It explores the causal relationship between competitive environment and advanced manufacturing technology with MAP, strategy and structure. Interrelationship between MAP with structure and strategy is also investigated.The research findings confirm that the model developed mainly from a Western perspective is largely applicable to the Malaysian context. Moreover, this study presents a number of distinctive findings to add to the existing iterate. It identifies certain important associations, particularly in relation to the alignment among the organizational factors, I. E. , MAP, structure and strategy. As the business environment is continuously changing, organizations and their managers will find it is critical to cope with these changes to ensure that institutional factors are properly matched. Supply of relevant information is essential for managers to make effective decisions regarding an appropriate alignment.This study had been designed to achieve the research objectives. By employing a validated and reliable theology, this study has significantly contributed to the theoretical and methodological knowledge in this area. The findings from this research also provide a useful guideline to organizations, especially their managers, to make decisions in light of the current changing environment. Apart from these contributions, this researchs outcome has also provided useful guidance for future research. References magazines, brochure CT Web link http//www. En. Wisped. Org/ wick/about management accounting http// en. Wisped. Org/wick http//en. Wisped. Org/wick/management accounting system
Friday, May 24, 2019
A Reaction Paper on the TV Show Numbers Essay
I have never been one to be fond of be. In fact, I am scared of them. Numbers especially with letters intimidate me. I normally tend to take for granted lessons that have passed. I learning it, learn it, memorize it and thats it. Ten points for me if I could actually remember and actually use those complicated equations in my day-to-day life. Though this may be the case, I find myself a bit more motivated when these mathematical figures be actually applied in real life.I infer I learn more when I see Maths importance and essence in the ropes of everyday living. Now, here comes Numb3rs, a show that believes that everything is indeed, numbers. Though manque in the making, I let myself be excited over how everything would turn out. I was actually impressed with how they applied the concepts of limits, probability and conic sections into catching the culprit. How the guy cable connected the physics of something as mundane as a sprinkler into an equation that would eventually solve t he case was a complete marvel.Until now I think How on earth did he do that? And even though the plot seemed lackluster to me, the mathematics behind it compensated for the rather forced storyline of the show. In the end, the suspect was caught. The case was solved. Charlie was right all along. Math indeed helped big time. When it comes to the technecalities and mathematics of the show, I have no complains. But when the story in itself is in question, there I raise my hand.I think the idea that everything can be solved by numbers is just too far-fetched. Human behavior is unpredictable, unstable and anything but elegant. It is far too unrealistic for me the way they have come to believe that the humankind body and personality can be translated into numbers or equations. I digress. I disagree. Sure, mathematics is fundamentally present, I know that. But to be actually glorifying it into something as unique, special and holy as the human body, I think that numbers will only remain that, numbers.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Employment Dispute Resolution in Singapore
1. Introduction a. Objectives The objective of the report is to succeed a better to a lower placestanding of the roles of the diametric courts in settling meshing disputes. At the end of the report, reader would be able to find preferences in settling employment disputes too. b. Methods of Research In this report, there pass on be real life case studies settled by different courts for settling disputes. These cases ordain help in illustrating the criteria for using the different courts. This report will also include internet research. 2. Causes of DisputesDisputes be caused when both(prenominal) parties, namely the employer and employee, john non come into an agreement over monetary issues such as wages, benefits and overtime pay. Other accompaniment will be a violation of health safety standards or rightfulness that can be common law or related to employment. judiciary cases will arise when these disputes are not persistent by conciliation or intermediation. 3. Acts Relating to involution There are two main acts that concern the procedures of settling disputes. They are the Employment Act (EA) and Industrial Relations Act (IRA). c. Employment ActFor employees cover by the Employment Act, employment disputes will only be referred to the mash tribunal for adjudication if they are unable to be resolved amicably through conciliation. Conciliation is a process which involves negotiations between the parties, then coming up with a mutually agreed decision that is fair to the parties involved. However, sure conditions must be satisfied, that the admit must be on matters arising not earlier than one division from the date of lodging the claim, and if the employee concerned had already left employment, the claim must be lodged within six months from the date of leaving employment.For managers and executives who are not covered by the Employment Act, the Ministry will consider providing mediation service to help resolve employment disputes on brea ch of contract or retrenchment. Mediation, a non-adversarial process, involves a mediator who will facilitate the entire process by helping the parties involved to first identify issues, negotiate, then find a practical solving and settlement that all parties involved are mutually agreeable to and able to accept. The mediation process is voluntary and considered on a case-by-case basis.There are certain requirements that will apply, which includes that the managers and executives are earning $4500 and below, the claim is in respect of a matter which occurred within the period of one year before the date that the issue is reported, if the claim is for items related to their termination (e. g. notice, the issue must be lodged within six months from the date on which the employee has left employment), and when viable alternatives such as private kind settlement with employer had been exhausted.However, if either party fails to respond to mediation or if no amicable settlement could b e reached after mediation, the matter will then be pursued in the civil court. d. Industrial Relations Act The Industrial Relations Act is passed in 1960 to provide a mean to settle employment disputes through collective bargaining which involves the confederation, conciliation and if undecided, through arbitration held by the Industrial Arbitration court. This act aims to protect employees who are members of the partnership, allowing them to enjoy benefits covered under.Examples of union include the Food, Drinks and Allied Workers Union and capital of Singapore Airlines Staff Union. This act limits the representation of employees who are in managerial and executive positions in certain areas. As define in Section 30(1) of Industrial Relations Act, an executive employee is an employee who is busy in a managerial or executive position. They are not allowed to fuck off representatives from the union to negotiate for retrenchment benefits upon retrenchment or resolving any disput e in the contract of employment.As this act is a bridge to the tripartite relationship in Singapore, namely the organisation, employer and employee, there are certain procedures to follow in accordance to filing a case against the employer in a unionized organization. Preceding the filing, the employee would have to try to resolve the dispute with his immediate supervisor. Failing that, he or she can choose to bring the matter up to a member of the separate committee of the Union who would make a representation of the employee in resolving the dispute.In more serious cases, it can be brought up to the Human Resource plane section by the General Secretary of Union and may even request a union management meeting with the management of the company. After all means, both parties will then refer the case to Ministry of Manpower for conciliation which is an invitation to negotiate under the Act. If an agreement is not reached by both parties, they can seek mediation by the Industrial A rbitration judicatory. 4. Different Courts The employees covered under the different acts will bring up their unresolved disputes to different courts. . dig up Court The Labour Court, deals with issues between employers and employees when they cannot be resolved through mediation or reconciliation at the MOM level. It is empowered by law to inquire into and arbitrate disputes between employees and employers. If mediation between the parties does not yield any agreement, for example, company not paying their employee salary or wrongful dismissal. The decisions or orders by the Labour Court are enforceable. It is also more viable for the employee to go through the Labour Court to settle employment disputes.However, the employees must not be earning more than S$2500 per month and are covered under the Employment Act. In the case of Vertex Global Holdings Pte Ltd, they owed an employee in arrears for about 2. 5 months. They gave the reason of having financial difficulties and were not able to pay the employee. The case was brought up to the Labour Court but they did not accept this explanation and the company was ordered to pay the employee amounting to $2820. In another(prenominal) case whereby a cook employed by VP Food Pte Ltd, he was terminated after 3 days.However, the employer was to pay him a sum of $235. 38 for acetify done but was underpaid. The reason that the employer gave was the distress caused by the cooks harassment and there was no notice period specified. The explanation was rejected. The court held that Employment Act prevails and notice pay was payable In such cases, Labour Court comes into good use when dealing with unsporting treatment from the company. But in recent years, the number of cases being brought up to Labour Court has decreased from 2009 to 2010.This shows that mediation or reconciliation has contributed to a huge part of the decrease in number of cases and they would be a better solution to problems than going to court. f. Ind ustrial Arbitration Court Employment disputes, concerning union members, are not resolve under the conciliation of MOM are referred to the Singapore Industrial Arbitration Court (IAC) for further remediation. The IAC resolve disputes between employers and employees by offering the best possible solutions that are not only fair and beneficial to both parties but also in the interest of the community and countrys economic situation.The decision make by the Justice of IAC is concluding hence it cannot be disputed or appealed against. Voluntary and compulsory arbitration are the two ways that employers, unions or the government can refer an employment disputes to the IAC. through and through the voluntary arbitration, employers and unions can refer their cases to the IAC through a joint or ex-parte application til now this is only relevant when mediation at the MOM level is deem inconclusive. Under compulsory arbitration, a dispute is referred to the IAC when it is directed by the MOM or the President of Singapore.With increase efforts from tripartite co-operation, Singapore has seen a great decrease in the number of cases being handled at IAC. The number of employment dispute cases averaged 10 per year and this suggest that that majority of the cases are being resolved at MOM and union level. This is essential as it helps to reduce unnecessary loss of work man hours and provide foreign investors confidence to invest in Singapore which in turn boosts the Singapore economy. Over the years, IAC has proven to be an effective way in solving disputes between employees and employers all the same there are cases when one party might feel otherwise.In the case of the dispute between Singapore Refinery Company and the representing union, the prevalent secretary of SRCEU mentioned that the union is disappointed with the ruling as a whole. The case was brought up to the IAC for settlement as the union demanded salary and service development for SRC employees. The pre xy of IAC concluded that SRC will increase the service increment to 5 per cent plus $15 and 3 per cent salary increment. The union felt that the increment was too low and there was no effective communication between them and the company.This case show that whiles the IAC may provide the best feasible solution however it does not mean that it is the best fit for all the parties involved in the dispute. g. complaisant Court The role of civil courts in resolving employment disputes is at minimal. Disputes raised by Professionals, Manager and Executives, also known as the PMEs, earning up to S$4,500, are solved in civil court. However, the Ministry of Manpower in Singapore is looking into resolving their salary disputes in Labour Court in the near future, limiting it to S$20,000.This allows PMEs to seek a lower cost alternative in resolving their disputes. For breaches in employment contract, it will still be handled by civil courts under law of contract. 5. Comparison h. Differences B etween The 3 Courts Civil Court Labour Court Industrial Arbitration Court What they settle? Employment disputes on breach of contract or retrenchment that cannot be resolved through mediation Employment disputes that cannot be settled through conciliation Trade disputes that cannot resolve through conciliation How they settle? The role of Civil Court in resolving disputes is at minimal. Civil Court handles breaches in employment contract under law of contract. The court has the authority to analyse and settle disputes(for example, unfair treatment from the company) Resolve employment dispute through arbitration. The decision made by the Justice of IAC cannot be disputed or appealed against. Criteria PMEs(Professionals, Manager and Executives) earning up to $4,500 No legal representation is allowed in Labour Court.Employees not earning more than $2,500 per month and are covered under Employment Act An executive employee who are employed in a managerial or executive position are n ot allowed to have representatives from the union to negotiate for them(retrenchment or disputes in the contract of employment) Who can go? Managers and executives that are not covered under Employment Act Employers and Employees under Employment Act Employers and trade unions In the past, Singapore employment law has been optable to employers.However, the trend in recent years shows that enhancement of employee welfare and safety became more important. i. Singapore versus United States of America Both countries show various(a) similarities of the roles of court in settling employment disputes. In United States of America (USA), employees are allowed to sue for dismissal due to discrimination of gender, religion, origin and many more. Employees are generally protected against discrimination under U. S Equal Opportunity Commission (EEOC).In Singapore, employers are encouraged to practice fair employment promoted by three-way Alliance for Fair Employment Practices (TAFEP). In both countries, employees are allowed to bring their employers to court in any event that there are employment disputes and unresolved by conciliation and arbitration. However, there are differences too. In United States of America, the government is more in favor of the employees whereas in Singapore, the government is more in favor of the employers.Also, in any disputes, the United States of America allows employees to hire a lawyer or an attorney to represent them in court. In Singapore, employees covered under different acts are represented by different people such as the union leader or even unrepresented in front of the labour court. The different courts are designed to different cases involving money or other disputes while all disputes in United States are brought to only one court. 6. Conclusion finished intensive research and findings, this report covers the key points on how the different courts resolve employment disputes.Although MOM have proven to be an effective medium i n mediating disputes between employers and employees, there is still a need for the presence of court to resolve cases that are more complex. Case studies are being brought up in the report to further illustrate how disputes are being resolved at different levels. In referring to the SRC case, it clearly highlight that although the IAC has provided the best possible remedy however it does not satisfy all parties who are involved in the case.This means that better procedures can be considered to better understand the problems underlying between employees and employers. Through our recommendations, it will provide possible solution to further enhance the system that is already in place. The recommendation will not only look at the current problems but it will also propose how corporations can create a harmonious working relationship among employers and employees. 7. Recommendations
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Philippines’ Economy Essay
Philippines, one of the countries around the world, rich in natural resources and smiles reaching extinct to one another. They say its more fun here because of our tropical shores and unique landscapes good for tourist fun and adventures. To the eyes of foreigners, the bandwagons made for them made us more attractive and a wanted country for vacations hardly do they really see the true us?Despite all the seriouslyships in animation we Filipinos still tend to work hard and think of the better days and this hope ignites our hearts which makes us rise from below. But no matter how hard we try there would always be people who would bring us down and degrade us because of our differences. The country itself is in poverty but I believe in the saying Poverty is not a hindrance to Success. Poverty caused partly by both government and citizens not running(a) with each other. Rich tends to be greedy and the poor just keeps getting lazier.The country is not actually as poor as you think, P hilippines is booming with tourism and our economy is rising, which makes it easy to say that in the near future we may become one of the first world countries. Economy is rapidly growing and investors atomic number 18 coming in and the future action-takers who can make this place better are the youth.As a youth, I also want a variety to my homeland. I want people to treat us with respect and equally. How can I do this? By believing in that dream. I see myself as a student studying for the betterment of myself and the country. I see a spark in me which may encourage myself to help in certain actions so I can start early. Once, way back in my province, Leyte. I helped in the Charity committee in charged of collecting canned goods for the needy. That bang was just a beginning and I know I can do more.What more do I have in mind? I want to create a cause in Art. I want to change how you see a dumpsite to become more pleasant to the eyes, or something like that. New York and European countries have already taken this action and why not take it here? The way Bonifacio Global City exhibits lane arts changes how you see a place and I want to be a part of this movement.Our country is developing and time is moving fast. If we dont believe we can be a part of something massive then we truly are a failure. Life is not about living but by living with a cause. A cause which may leave a mark before you die, knowing that you did your part. Philippines may still have a long-long way to go but like Gawad Kalinga who started the movement early, makes us sure that the development of this country is getting better. I know I can do this and I will try my best to make it happen because I want our country to become a better place.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Ms Access
1 MS- chafe 2007 The new look of overture 2007 originally starting the primary(prenominal) part of the tutorial, we be just without delay going to familiarize ourselves with the new look overture 2007 User Interface or rile pervade. The Access Screen The Access 2007 Screen is very different to that in foregoing versions. The menus stick been replaced by the Access 2007 Ribbon there is the MICROSOFT OFFICE exit instead of the old show menu and the old database window has been replaced by the Access 2007 NAVIGATION PANE. on that point is also a GETTING STARTED screen to create or open a database file when Access is launched.Access Ribbon The ACCESS RIBBON works somewhat differently to the old Access Menus. There is a row of bay wreath tabs with headings such as HOME, CREATE, EXTERNAL DATA, and DATABASE TOOLS. Clicking on each tab presents you with its own individual ribbon with its own particular word pictures. from each one icon on a ribbon is contained within a gr oup of icons that per straining similar tasks. So, for example, the Create tab has groups for TABLES, FORMS, REPORTS and OTHER MSAccess2007 www. neteffect. in 2 Microsoft Office Button The MICROSOFT OFFICE BUTTON is in the top left corner of the Access screen.It replaces the old Access file menu. So to perform functions such as saving, opening, new file creation, and printing process etc, you need to clatter this passing. To the right of this button is the Quick Access Tool immobilize intended to provide you with quick access to some of the more common commands used in Access 2007. There are three negligence icons on this toolbar save, undo and redo. You can also customise this toolbar to join on additional commands as required. Access seafaring Pane The Access NAVIGATION PANE replaces the old database window. It is here where you go forthing see the icons for all the set up reachs, orms, queries and reports that you create. When you want to open one of your database obj ects, you just hotdog on one of these the icons, and the required object go forth open in the main Access window. layting Started We allow instanter coin onto the showtime tutorial lesson where the Getting Started Screen will be introduced. Create Access 2007 Database The first step in creating an Access 2007 database, is to create a blank database file. This is done from the Getting Started Screen when you launch Access. The file is saved onto one of your PCs folders (which you specify). The procedure for doing this is outlined downstairs.MSAccess2007 www. neteffect. in 3 1. Launch Access To begin, launch Access by marking on the desktop icon, or choose Access from the start menu. This brings up the GETTING STARTED WITH MICROSOFT OFFICE ACCESS screen. 2. lead Blank Database Template Towards the top left of the screen you will see a Blank Database icon. Click this icon to bring up the Blank Database side bar on the right hand side of the screen. This is where you will e nter details about the database file that you are about to create. 3. repose file pertain for your Access 2007 database MSAccess2007 www. neteffect. in 4Begin by entrancemodal value the induce that you want to call the database in the file make believe text blow. 4. Browse and aim folder Next suction stop the folder icon and browse for a folder to indue your database. Once necessitateed you should see the file path below the textbox. 5. Click Create All you need to do in a flash is bottom the Create command button below, and your database file saves to the location that you specified, and opens for you to work on. You are now ready to work on your newly created database file. The adjoining step is to create an Access display panel Access 2007 tables How Access stores data in prorogues Like all other databases, Access 2007 stores data in tables.They look a lot like the cells of a spreadsheet with tugboats and rows. Each horizontal column represents a table record, and ea ch vertical column represents a table field. See Table example below A primary Table ID Number 1 2 3 First evoke John Tracey Anne Surname Jones Smith McNeil Age 35 25 30 In the example Table above, there are four handle containing teaching about an individuals ID arrive, first name, surname and age. Below the field headings there are 3 records containing information or data for each individual. As such, a database table is a list with each column containing the same specific sort of information.Each row of information is an individual record that might relate to a particular person, a business, or a product etc. When planning a database table, most database designers will decide which column headings or fields they are going to use. This is the basis of the table structure. The actual data is added later and is not a part of the design process. MSAccess2007 www. neteffect. in 5 Create Access Table 1. Open database file If you created a blank Access database in the previous tut orial lesson, you are now ready to create a new table. Begin by opening your existing database file if it is not already open.Do this by clicking on the Access desktop icon to bring up the getting started screen again. You should see the file name that you just created towards the top of the right hand side bar (If you cant see it, click the folder icon to browse for the file). Click on the file name to bring up your blank database. If, at this stage, you get a security warning under(a)neath the ribbon, click where it says options, award the enable this content radio button (in the pop-up window), and thusly click ok. Your blank database file should now be fully open. 2. Create Access Table Select the CREATE tab on the Access ribbon.Next select the TABLE DESIGN icon from the TABLES group. This creates a new table. 3. Create fields in DESIGN quite a little This brings up the TABLE DESIGN GRID where you enter each field name and its data type. The first field we are going to creat e is the ID field which is going to contain a unique author number for each record. Enter the name ID into the first column of the first row in the grid. Because we want Access to MSAccess2007 www. neteffect. in 6 automatically generate a unique reference number, select AUTONUMBER from the drop down list in the data type column.You can also enter a description for each field, but this is not essential. On the next row the field is going to be called FIRSTNAME and the data type is going to be TEXT. On the third row the field name is SURNAME with the data type again being TEXT. And finally, the last field name is AGE and the data type here is going to be NUMBER. Before you save the table you will need to choose the Primary Key, which in this case is ID. To do this, select the ID row by clicking on it, and then manifestly click the primary key symbol on the Ribbon. The table design grid should now look like thisYou can now save the table by clicking the save icon on the top left of the screen above the Access Ribbon. To view your table select DATASHEET VIEW from the VIEWS group under the DESIGN TAB. This brings up the datasheet view of the table that you energize just created. You should see your field headings running across the top of the table. 4. Data intro in DATASHEET VIEW Although entering data onto the datasheet table is not a part of the design process, the table now exists as a database object, and you can test it by entering some information into the cells. Select the first cell in the FIRSTNAME column and enter the name JOHN.For SURNAME enter JONES, and for AGE enter 35. NB just ignore the column underneath the heading ADD NEW FIELD. We created all the fields we needed in design view. MSAccess2007 www. neteffect. in 7 You have now entered the first record in the table record 1 for John Jones aged 35. You can now press the return key and the record will save automatically. You are now ready to enter the second record on the next row TRACEY SMIT H 25. Press return and then modify in the data for the last record we are going to do for now ANNE McNEIL 30 Your datasheet table should now look like thisYou now have a database table with three records. More records can be added below the existing three at any time. Records in the table can also be searched, sorted, filtered and displayed in a variety of ways. This, however, is something for future lessons. The next lesson to be covered in this tutorial is Access 2007 forms. Access 2007 Forms Access FORMS are substance abuser friendly In the previous lesson, you created an Access Table and entered three records. However, to get the most out of Access it makes sense to create a data en quiz FORM. By doing so you are making your database more user friendly.It is easier and quicker to enter data onto a form than it is into a table, not least because you have more control over the layout and labelling of your form. In this lesson we will learn how to create a FORM that uses your new ly created table as the DATA SOURCE. Create Access form There are a number of ways to create an Access form. One of the easiest ways is to use the ACCESS FORM WIZARD. 1. Select form sense experience Open your database if it is not already open. Click the CREATE tab on the ACCESS RIBBON and then select MORE FORMS from the forms group. MSAccess2007 www. neteffect. in 8 A drop down list of form types appears.You need to select FORM WIZARD from this list. 2. Select table and fields The Form wizard then opens as the pop up window below. On the first page of the form wizard we select which table we are going to use as the DATA SOURCE. Since there is only one table in this database so far, it should already be selected for us in the TABLES/QUERIES combo box. Underneath there is a list of the four fields in your table. You could select each field individually by highlighting the field name and clicking the single arrow . We can, however, select all four just by clicking the pronged arrow .Once they have been transfered into the right hand box they are selected. We can now click NEXT to go to page 2 of the form wizard. MSAccess2007 www. neteffect. in 9 3. Form Layout This is where we choose the FORM LAYOUT. We are going to leave this on the default setting of COLUMNAR. Click NEXT again to move onto page three of the form wizard. MSAccess2007 www. neteffect. in 10 4. Form Style Here we select a style that from the list box. Preview a style by clicking on its name. This step just determines how the form looks aesthetically. Once you have selected a style to your taste, click NEXT again.MSAccess2007 www. neteffect. in 11 5. Form Title This is the last stage of the wizard. Here we are going to choose the name for our form lets say FORM1. We are going to leave the radio button selected for OPEN THE FORM TO ENTER OR VIEW INFORMATION All we need to do now is click FINISH and our form should like something like this 6. Navigate Records via Access Form As you can see, th e form opens with the first record in your original table displayed. You can navigate through each record using the NAVIGATION BUTTON at the bottom left of the form window. MSAccess2007 www. neteffect. in 12To move to the next record click the right arrow button on the pilotage control. To move to the last record click the button on the navigation control. To move backwards through the recordset use the left arrow buttons. You could edit any record from the form, which will update the data in your table. For now, though, just try navigating through the three records without changing any data. 7. Create New Record via Access Form Now that you know how to move through the recordset, lets finish off by adding two more records. To do this click the star button on the right of the navigation control.This should bring up a blank record. get JOE for firstname, BROWN for surname, and 39 for age. Click the star again to bring up a new blank record, and enter SUE MOORE 33. When you have f inished click x on the form window to close. This tutorial lesson has shown you how to create an Access Form using the form wizard, and how to navigate and add records using Access Forms. There are a number of other ways to create and modify forms, but this is as far as we are going to go in this particular lesson. The next lesson in the tutorial is going to be Access 2007 queries. Access 2007 headAccess Queries Process Data If you have been following the previous lessons in this tutorial, you will have created a table with five records. In this lesson we are going to create an Access 2007 QUERY, which will process the data below which you have entered into your table. ID Number 1 2 3 4 5 FirstName John Tracey Anne Joe Sue Surname Jones Smith McNeil Brown Moore Age 35 25 30 39 33 What we want Access to do is extract all the records in the above table where the persons age is greater than or constitute to 35. Access Queries can do far more than this, of course, but this simple task should serve as a helpful learning exercise.Open the Query Design Grid The first stage is to select the CREATE TAB and then go to the OTHER group on the far right of the ribbon. accordingly click on the QUERY DESIGN ICON to bring up the query design grid. MSAccess2007 www. neteffect. in 13 Select Table for Query The next stage is to select which table you are going to use in this query. When the query design grid opened, the SHOW TABLE pop up window should also have opened. If necessary you can open this window manually by clicking the SHOW TABLE icon in the QUERY SET UP group on the Access Ribbon.So far there is only one table in your database TABLE1. This should be highlighted when the window opens, but if not, just click on it once. Next click ADD. When you close the pop-up window by clicking x,you should see a box labelled TABLE1 above the query design grid. Select fields from Table In the table1 box, you will see a list of its field names. We are going to use all the field s in this query, so select each one individually by double clicking on their names. You will now see the field names at the top of each column in the Query Design Grid.MSAccess2007 www. neteffect. in 14 Enter query criteria As you may remember, the purpose of our query is to extract records where the persons name is greater than or equal to 35. To do this we enter the criteria into the appropriate cell of the query design grid. In this case you need to go to the AGE column of the CRITERIA row, and enter the prescript =35. Save and Run Query Click the save icon above the Access Ribbon. When prompted for the query name, just use the default QUERY1. To run your query, click the take on icon in the RESULTS GROUP of the Access Ribbon.You should now be presented with a datasheet displaying your query results JOHN JONES 35 and JOE BROWN 39. You have now created and run your first query. The next lesson in the tutorial is about Access 2007 Reports. MSAccess2007 www. neteffect. in 15 Ac cess 2007 Reports Access Reports Present Data Access REPORTS are a way of displaying and printing information from your database. Developers often use Reports to display the results of a Query, which is what we are going to do next. Like other Access database objects, there a number of ways to create an Access REPORT.We are going use the REPORT WIZARD. Our task is to display the results of QUERY1 which we created in the previous tutorial lesson. 1. Open Report magical Begin by selecting the CREATE TAB on the Access Ribbon. Then click REPORT WIZARD from the REPORTS group to open the pop up window. 2. Select Report Data Source and Fields The first page of the Report Wizard is almost identical to that of the Form Wizard. On this page we will select QUERY1 as the DATA SOURCE for the Report. This is done by selecting the query from the list in the TABLES/QUERIES combo box.Then select all fields from QUERY1 by clicking the double arrow to the right of the text box labelled AVAILABLE FIEL DS. The field names will now appear in the SELECTED FIELDS text box on the right. Click next to go to the second page of the wizard. MSAccess2007 www. neteffect. in 16 3. Report Grouping Levels Page two of the wizard is where you can add grouping levels if required. So we could, for example, group each person in our report with others of the same age. We dont need to do this for this particular example, but it is certainly a useful feature that we might want to learn more about later.But for now, just click next. 4. Record Sort Order Page three of the wizard is where you determine what order the records are displayed in your report. So for example you might want to display records in ascending order of age. For this example, however, we are going to put your records into alphabetical order for SURNAME and FIRSTNAME. Begin by clicking the top drop down box and selecting SURNAME, and in the box 2 below select FIRSTNAME. This performer that records are sorted alphabetically by surnam e, and if two surnames are the same, the FIRSTNAME is used to determine which record comes first etc.Click Next MSAccess2007 www. neteffect. in 17 5. Report Lay Out This page of the Wizard is where you set the lay out for your report. There are various lay out options, but in our case we shall keep to the default setting of TABULAR. Click next. 6. Style For style, select Access 2007 from the list and click next. MSAccess2007 www. neteffect. in 18 7. Name of Report Name your report REPORT1 and then click FINISH. Your access report will now be displayed on the screen, and should look something like this MSAccess2007 www. neteffect. in
Monday, May 20, 2019
U Decide
PICO score of 730 and has no late payment in last year and has no defaulted bring in the last tailfin years. I have to give her this loan with the banks prime rate rundown 0. 5%. Brandon Sketches Case I would approve the loan for Brandon because he has a good PICO Score of 650. He has no late payment in last year and no defaulted loans In the last five years.I would need some information about his current employment and Income status, and If he as any new(prenominal) loans because he Is requesting for a large sum of money ($300,000). He deserves the 1. 5% interest of the Bank. Christine McDougall Case I tail end approve her loan with the banks prime rate plus 2. 5%. I would ask for to a greater extent Information regarding her current employment and Income status, and If she has any other loan. I will ask for more detail on her late payment. Has Christine ever pall back the balance plus Interest and late position?We will remember that she has a PICO core of 540 which is accept able. Daniel Blanknesss I will approve Daniels loan because He has an keen PICO score of 680 even though he has one late payment. He is still good if he doesnt have any other outstanding balance. Eric Moorings Case According to the banks lending policy Daniel cannot be canonical (His final two payments due not arrive at all). He asked for a loan that is not too big and has an acceptable PICO score of 490 according to the banks policy.I would ask if Eric wants to put more down for down-payment. Because if he pays more down-payment the less chance he will default the loan. I will ask if Daniel is soon employed and what his income and debt status are. I will consider approve the loan if everything meet the expectation he can pay back on time the loan and ask the Bank president approval. The bank can charge higher interest rate of 4. 5% above prime rate which is still risky.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Cis170 Essay
victimization System. Collections. Generic using System. Linq using System. Text callpace Lab5A association Program static vacancy Main(string args) string player learn = new string100 int playerScore = new int100 int c = 0 c=InputData(ref playerName, ref playerScore) echo avg= CalculateAverageScore(ref playerScore,c) Console. WriteLine(Name Score) DisplayPlayerData(ref playerName, ref playerScore, c) Console. WriteLine() Console. WriteLine(Average Score + avg + ) Console. WriteLine(Players Who Scored Below Average) Console.WriteLine(Name Score) DisplayBelowAverage(avg, ref playerName, ref playerScore,c) static int InputData(ref string player, ref int score) int addName = 0, issue=0 do Console. Write(Enter Players Name (Q to quit) ) player replication = Console. ReadLine() if (playercounter == q playercounter == Q) addName = 1 else Console. Write(Enter score for 0 , playercounter) scorecounter = Convert. ToInt32(Console. ReadLine()) counter++ while (addName = 1) etu rn counter static void DisplayPlayerData(ref string playerName, ref int playerScore,int counter) for (int i = 0 i < counter i++) Console. WriteLine(01, playerNamei, playerScorei) static reprise CalculateAverageScore(ref int playerScore,int counter) int total = 0, avg = 0 for (int i = 0 i < counter ++i) total += Convert. ToInt32(playerScorei) if (playerScore. Length > 0) avg = total / counter return avg static void DisplayBelowAverage(double avg, ref string playerName, ref int playerScore,int counter) or (int i = 0 i < counter i++) if (playerScorei < avg) Console. WriteLine(01, playerNamei, playerScorei) Console. ReadLine() Part B using System using System. Collections. Generic using System. Linq using System. Text using System. Collections namespace Week_5_iLab_Part_B class Program static void Main(string args) string response = y ArrayList LastNameAL = new ArrayList() //Console. Write(Enter a last name ) //LastNameAL. Add(Console. ReadLine()) //Consol e. Write(Keep Going? (Y/N) ) //response = Console.ReadLine() while (response == y) Console. Write(Enter a last name ) LastNameAL. Add(Console. ReadLine()) Console. Write(Keep Going? (y/n) ) response = Console. ReadLine() Console. WriteLine(LastNameAL. Count + last names entered. ) Console. WriteLine(Last names in ascending order. ) LastNameAL. Sort() foreach (string s in LastNameAL) Console. WriteLine(s) Console. WriteLine(Last names in move order. ) LastNameAL. Reverse() foreach (string s in LastNameAL) Console. WriteLine(s) Console. ReadLine()
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Comm 399
Instructor Daniel Ding COMM 399-204 Due 13pm Mar 20, Wednesday Assignment 3 Analyze Hewlett-Packard Supply the DeskJet correspondent in Europe Case (CJA chapter Inventory Control see the course package). Answer questions 1, 3, and 4 given up at the end of the case (question 2 is not required). Discussions are permitted within a group of at most 3 students, but everyone has to deflect their own assignment and it bearnot be an identical copy Paperversion is preferred. For your convenience, I have prepared a spreadsheet (Assignment3_HP. ls) in the assignment folder on connect. It may save piles of your era if you work on the excel. If you choose to use excel, be sure to include the excel spreadsheet when you ingest your assignment. Please use hints that are provided below. In comparing different options (localization of a generic wine printer at DCs or not), you need to quantify the benefits from each. The best way to do that is to use the inventory models to calculate the ma ke out be of inventory per unit (for all DeskJet models) under different options. Use demand data from the gift 13. 16.For your convenience, the monthly and weekly mean and standard deviation for six models as well as generic printers have been calculated in the spreadsheet Assignment3_HP. xls Assume 1 month = 4. 33 weeks Assume a 98% service level. The z value to ensure a 98% Service level is 2. 06. Note that this is a fixed time period (R,T) model with review period T= 1 week. Lead time for ocean transit = 5 weeks While calculating yearbook inventory costs, remember to include phone line (in-transit) inventory, safety stock, and cycle stocks (because in this case, HP is responsible for all these costs). The annual average inventory cost is computed as follows Annual Average Inventory Cost = (Safety Stock + Average In-Transit Inventory + Average daily round Inventory) ? (unit cost) ? (percent carrying cost). Note that in a fixed time period model, the ordering cost is f ixed and can therefore be ignored. We can find the average inventory cost per printer by dividing the annual average inventory cost by mean annual demand (mean monthly demand ? 12). The summarise supply chain cost per printer sold is given by (unit cost) + (average inventory cost per printer) + (transportation cost per printer). For question 4, your recommendation to HP should use the option that minimizes total supply chain cost per printer. Suggested length If you use excel (Recommended Approach), then submit the spreadsheet plus one-page report that briefly explains your result otherwise, you may submit a report which includes 2-3 page solution details.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Foreign Currency Management Pdf
Foreign Currency Management replace score This is the value at which the up-to-dateness of one coarse would change hands with currency of some other country. E. g. $1 = SLR cxxx Types of Exchange Rate 1. spoiling Rate This measure depends on a levels of the world-wide trade of a country and it does not interfere with the organisation of that country. 2. Fixed Rate This is the rate that the political sympathies of the country would set its own currency rate and it is not depending on the market rate. 3. Dirty Float This is the rate that mixed betwixt floating rate and fixed rate system.This is where the government would allow rallying rate to float between a particular cardinal limits. If it goes outside either of the limit, thus the government would take further action. Forex Dealings 1. Bid equipment casualty The price at which the currency is bought by the dealer. 2. hold out Price The price at which the currency is sold by the dealer. When regarding the forex dea lings, Offer Price Bid Price vitrine 01 David is a UK businessman. He needs $ 400,000 to buy US equipment. Identify the amount of ? equired to buy the Dollars? ($/? 1. 75 1. 77) Answer The amount of ? required = $ 400,000 $/? 1. 75 = ? 228571. 43 Example 02 James is a US businessman. He has just reliable a payment of ? 150,000 from his main customer in UK. Identify the amount of $ accredited by James when ? 150,000 are devoted? (? /$ 0. 61 0. 63) Answer The amount of $ received = ? 150,000 ? /$ 0. 63 = $ 238095. 24 Spot Rate and Forward Rate Spot Rate This is the rate which is applicable for the immediate oral communication of currency as at now.Forward Rate This is a rate that set for the future transaction for a fixed amount of currency. The transaction would take place on the future picture at this hold rate by disregarding the market rate. Discounts & Premiums Discounts If the preliminary rate which is quoted cheaper, then it is set to be quoted at a discount. E. g. $ /? current percentage point is 1. 8500-1. 8800 and the one month forward rate at 0. 0008-0. 0012 at a discount. When quoted at a discount, Answer 1. 8500-1. 8800 their should be more Dollars + 0. 0008-0. 0012 being received at a given Pound. = 1. 508-1. 8812 So the discount factor adjudge to be added to the spot rate. Premiums If the forward rate which is quoted more expensively, then it is set to be quoted at a premium. E. g. $/? current spot is 1. 9000-1. 9300 and the one month forward rate at 0. 0010-0. 0007 at a premium. When quoted at a premium, Answer their should be less Dollars being 1. 9000-1. 9300 received at a given Pound because 0. 0010-0. 0007 of the expensiveness of Dollars. So = 1. 8990-1. 9293 the premium factor have to be deducted from the spot rate. Foreign Exchange Rate Risks . Transaction Risk This is the danger that adverse central rate causal agent occurring in the cause of normal international trading transaction. This arises when the prices of imports or exports are fixed in remote currency terms and there is a movement in the convince rate between the date when the price is agreed and when the cash is paid or received. 2. Translation Risk This is the risk that the organization provide made rally losses when the accounting results of its contrary branches or subsidiaries translated into the local currency. . Economic Risk This is the risk that suppose to a effect of exchange rate movements on the international competitiveness of the company. 4. Direct & validating Currency Quotes Direct Quote This means the exchange rate is mentioned in terms of the amount of home(prenominal) currency which needs to be given in returns for one unit of abroad currency. E. g. SLR 130 for $1 In channelise Quote This means the amount of foreign currency units that needs to be given to notice one unit of domestic currency. E. g. $ 1/130 for SLR 1 Example 01ABC Ltd is a US company, acquire goods from Sri Lanka which cost SLR 200,000. These good s are resold in the US for $2000 at the metre of the import purchased. The current spot rate is $1 = SLR 126-130. Calculate the expected profit of the resale in terms of US Dollars using both direct & indirect quote methods. Answer 1. ) Under Direct Quote Method $/SLR = 1/126 1/130 = 0. 00794 0. 00769 Sales = $2000 (-)Purchase cost=SLR200,000*$/SLR0. 00794 =($1588) Expected Profit = $412 2. ) Under Indirect Quote Method Sales (-)Purchase Cost=SLR200,000/SLR126/$ Expected Profit = $2000 =($1587) = $413Managing the Exchange Rate Risk 1. Invoicing in domestic currency Since the exporter does not have to do any currency transaction in this method, the risk of currency conversion is transferred to the importer or frailness versa. 2. bullion Market Hedging Because of the close relationship between forward exchange rate and the cheer rate in two currencies, it is possible to calculate a forward rate by using the spot exchange rate and money market lending or borrowing which is call ed as a money market hedge.Feature article aboutProduction Management3.Entering into Forward Exchange Rate Contracts A person can enter into an agreement with a bank to purchase the foreign currency on the fixed date at a fixed rate. 4. Matching receipts & payments Under this method a company can set off its payments against its receipts in that particular currency. 5. Options These are similar to forward trade agreements, but the consumer can choose between the banks rate and the market rate. Example 01 A Sri Lankan company has to settle $800,000 after three months time. The current spot rate is $1 = SLR 126-130.The foreign currency depositing interest rate is 12%per annum and the borrowing rate in Sri Lanka is 8% per annum. The agreed exchange rate with the bank is $1 = SLR128. The company has identified to overcome the exchange rate under Money Market Hedging & Forward Exchange Rate Contract methods. Identify the cheapest method to overcome the exchange rate risk. Answer 1. ) Usi ng Money Market Hedging Method FV = PV* (1+r)n PV = $800,000* (1+ 0. 03)-1 PV = $776,699 r = 0. 12*3/12 r = 0. 03 n=1 Purchase Cost(SLR) = $776,699*SLR130/$1 = SLR 100,970,870 Interest Cost(SLR) = SLR 100,970,870*0. 8*3/12 = SLR 2,019,417 Total Cost(SLR) = SLR(100,970,870+2,019,417) = SLR 102,990,287 2. ) Using Forward Exchange Rate Contract Method Total Cost (SLR) = $ 800,000*SLR128/$1 = $102,400,000 The best method is forward Exchange Rate Contract Method, because it gives the lowest total cost when correspond to Money Market Hedging Method. Reasons for Short Term Changes of Exchange Rate 1. Investment Flows If a country does more investment to outside countries, then there would be a higher(prenominal) demand for foreign currency. Therefore the domestic will depreciated or vice versa. 2.Trade Flows In a given time if a country has more imports and less exports, the domestic currency will depreciated, because of the higher demand for the foreign currency or vice versa. 3. Economi c Prospectus If a country has good stinting policies and is showing shines of economic growth, it could receive more investment and therefore the domestic currency would appreciated. Reasons for Long Term Changes of Exchange Rate 1. Purchasing Power para Theory This theory describes how the differences in inflation rate among two countries would breath to changes in the exchange rates.Future Rate(A/B)=Spot Rate(A/B) * (1+ Inflation Rate of A) (1 +Inflation Rate of B) 2. Interest Rate Parity Theory This theory links the future currency rates with differences in interest rate among two countries. Future Rate(A/B)=Spot Rate(A/B) * (1+ Interest Rate of A) (1 +Interest Rate of B) 3. Monetarist Theory This theory identifies the relationship between exchange rate and the government money supply to an economy of one country. E. g. When the government released more money to their economy, individual would have more money.So they would purchased more, the demand will increased & through tha t result in higher prices & high inflation. This would lead to a high level of depreciation to the currency. 4. Keynesian Approach This theory says that an exchange rate whitethorn not change in a balance and sometimes currency may continuously appreciate or depreciate without reverse. E. g. There is a high taste & demand for merchandise product in one country while their exports are losing its export position in other countries. Therefore, without any appreciation of currency will continuously depreciate over a long time period in that country.
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